Thursday, December 3, 2009


A large portion of the SCAR debate was geared toward counterarguments. SCAR took a clear stance against the road. In general, the Interstate Commission for Baltimore City formed the opposition also known as the counterarguments. The Interstate Commission formulated the logistics of the road plan including the relocation arrangements. The citizens of Southeast Baltimore fought these plans.

SCAR countered the City’s options during town hall meetings. The bulk of these meetings dealt with questions on the placement of the road. Residents constantly asked questions on the pathway and size of the road. These questions were more about housing than roadway viability. In reality residents were asking two sided questions. Will the road impact my home? Will I be forced to relocate? The city answered many of these questions in a series of relocation brochures. The brochure pictured above describes the value of homes and the process of home acquisition.

Road opponents analyzed these documents in order to diversify their argument against the road. Residents saw problems with relocation as cause for the roadway project to be abandoned. They reasoned that a poor relocation program meant less roadway interference on households. SCAR used this counterargument to direct the scope of the City’s actions and shift the debate in their favor.

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